How Can affnetz Help my Association or Chamber Solve Problems in Generating Revenue?

How Can affnetz Help my Association or Chamber Solve Problems in Generating Revenue?

How Can affnetz Help my Association or Chamber Solve Problems in Generating Revenue?

The big three revenue sources are dues, events and sponsors.

Your accounting process may require too much manual data input. Intuit QuickBooksĀ® integration with allĀ affnetzĀ modules ensures efficient handling of Association or Chamber financial flows. You can redeploy resources to help with other critical tasks.

Integrations to Intuit QuickBooksĀ® include:

Integration with the affnetz Database/CRM system which allows smooth dues processing and timely issuance of dues reminders.

Integration with the affnetz Event Management System provides fast and easy payment processing for events.

Advertising revenue is enhanced because all the emails and web/mobile content display the logo, name, and hyperlink to the advertiserā€™s website.

Revenue from sponsors is optimized with increased communication and payment processing.

Members and Staff can post/react to content in affnetz. This empowers them to be your brand ambassadors.

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