Nonprofit Sponsor Management: A Two-Way Street

Nonprofit Sponsor Management may be missing the mark if Nonprofit leaders view it as a one-way street. On that one-way street, the Nonprofit thinks it is the only partner benefiting from the relationship.

To be sure, Nonprofits seek out Sponsorships to raise money, receive product or in-kind donations, and recruit volunteers. Another benefit is association with a strong Sponsor brand can raise the Nonprofit’s brand recognition in the market.

Yet, it is a two-way street. While there may be a perception that some Sponsors are 100% altruistic, it’s rarely the case. Realistic Nonprofit Sponsor Management recognizes that Sponsors carefully consider the benefits that accrue to their organizations and brands. They also expect benefits from the relationship.

The benefits received by Sponsorship of a Nonprofit’s activities, events and programs could include:

The sponsor gains positive market recognition by association with a strong Nonprofit brand which can increase sales.​

A Sponsor’s corporate reputation is elevated in the public’s view.

Employees of the Sponsor feel increased job satisfaction when their employer sponsors causes they support.​

Four Ways Affnetz Supports Nonprofit Sponsor Management

Affnetz  Nonprofit Sponsor Management functionality provides solid support in a Nonprofit’s effort to optimize Sponsor Management.

The Affnetz Stakeholders Database/CRM system provides the ability to track all information about your Nonprofit’s sponsors. The CRM system includes a blast email function that would allow campaigns to be targeted at the Sponsor’s employees to solicit donations and recruit volunteers.

The Affnetz Stakeholders Database/CRM system provides the ability to track all information about your Nonprofit’s sponsors. The CRM system includes a blast email function that would allow campaigns to be targeted at the Sponsor’s employees to solicit donations and recruit volunteers.​

The sponsor gains positive market recognition by association with a strong Nonprofit brand which can increase sales.​

The sponsor gains positive market recognition by association with a strong Nonprofit brand which can increase sales.​

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