How Does affnetz Support Networking Opportunities for Members Within Your Association of Chamber?

How Does affnetz Support Networking Opportunities for Members Within Your Association of Chamber?

Affnetz is the pioneer in Affinity Networking. Affinity Networking is your network within a network of your closest allies and collaborators.

Possibly comprising only 20% or less of your total network, your Affinity Network could account for 80% or more of network value.

Affnetz helps to build and strengthen this segment of your network by allowing deeper connections within a robust network database. It features Member-to-Member messaging and detailed Private Digital Clip Notes™ capability, the ability to make comprehensive, searchable notes of each interaction.

Connected members serve as a fundamental strength for your Association or Chamber.

Members who view the organization as a nexus of their professional and social network value their membership more. This leads to increased membership renewals and optimal revenue flows.

The Affnetz Member Portal is the hub where your members can interact and build their Affinity Network.

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